A documentary about the dramatic events leading up to the election of the controversial Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro.
Filmed in Brazil over a span of two years, ‘The Rise of Bolsonaro’ follows the dramatic events that changed Brazilian politics forever and uncovers the injustice, anger and despair that fueled the controversial election of Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro in 2018.
Through interviews with key figures such as Pulitzer Prize-awarded journalist, Glenn Greenwald, NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden and Brown-professor James Green among others, the film shed light on the intricate plots behind the corruption scandal coined Operation Carwash, the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff and the election of extremist far-right politician, Jair Bolsonaro. The documentary also portrays the political journey of David Miranda, husband of Glenn Greenwald, and his political campaign against the Bolsonaro-movement. A fight that turns personal as his friend and political icon, Marielle Franco, is brutally murdered.
In essence, the documentary illuminates how the political and economic chaos in Brazil became the perfect breeding ground for the extremist far-right and even anti-democratic sentiment that fueled one of the most powerful political movements of the 21st century.
Watch the full film here
Directed and edited by Christian Prener
Produced by Jacqueline Rodrigues
Supported by Danish Film Workshop

The Rise Of Bolsonaro